Although the word incarnation is not in the Bible, it does have a component (in and in the flesh). In Jn. 1:14 “The Word became flesh, in Greek 'Sarks' which is the dictionary meaning flesh, this refers to the coming of Jesus as a human (1 John 4: 2; 2 John 7). The point is that the second person of the Trinity takes on human form for Himself (Romans 8: 3, sending His own Son in the flesh).
1. Prophecies concerning the God-Man
On Yes. 9: 6. He declared that a child would be an instruction to man and that His nature was likened to God (el gibbro, a guide to Godhead). The name Immanuel reveals the truth about God (Isa. 7:14). Not only His presence in His care, but in this verse it refers to the birth of His Son from a virgin who carried “God” within Him.
2.The Prophecy of the Virgin (7:14)
In this case Isaiah prophesied the birth of the Messiah by means of "" for the Hebrew word almah which means a young man truly ready for marriage. Thus, Matthew clearly saw Christ as the fulfillment of Isaiah's prophecy.
3. The Way of the Incarnation
Once fulfilled, the Incarnation was the revelation of the eternal God. When Gabriel said that “The Holy Spirit will descend on you and the power of God will overshadow you. The word "who gave birth" (Matt. 1:16) in Greek is the singular for woman, meaning it is clear that it only refers to Mary alone, not Mary and Joseph. Thus at the time of the report, simultaneously the "Word of God" conveyed through Gabriel "became flesh" in Mary.
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