To find out who was promised by God through Moses, we must first what the details of this promise actually were. Let us look at the word-for-word details of Deuteronomy 18:18. In verse 17, we see that what "they / Israelites said was good". This is the context of the closest verse, the Israelites said that “they either refused to hear God's voice directly, or they also refused to see God who came in fire for fear of dying. They wanted God to speak through Moses or people sent by God. So, because the people of Israel refused to see the LORD and also because Moses was old and so there must be a replacement, the LORD promised that a prophet (messenger) like Moses would come to Israel, not to other nations. This is the content of God's promise through Moses to the nation of Israel, the first is that "A prophet will be raised up for them (the people of Israel). The people of Israel here are on their way to the land of Canaan, which is in the wilderness. So, what comes out of Egypt here are all Israelites, there are no other nations, or Arabs, not even in Egypt. The fact that we find to this day is that Muhammad as a prophet, never preached teachings to the Israelites, even the Koran was not written in Hebrew, the language of Ishmael at that time, as Moses wrote his book in Hebrew. So, this is the fact that to this day the Prophet Muhammad has never preached his teachings to either the nation of Israel, the people of Israel, or the state of Israel, there is absolutely no data. The second is that "from among their brethren", let us look at this carefully. Who is their brother referred to in this verse? The answer is the twelve tribes of Israel. This brother refers to blood relatives (cf. Deut. 17:15).

            If you want to draw to Jacob, then his blood brother is Esau, but in this context there are no Esau tribes because Esau is not Israel. So, if you want to attract Jacob, of course the answer is Esau because they are brothers. Furthermore, if someone says that what is meant by "among their brethren" is Ishmael, then it needs to be considered again because in the 

        Bible Ishmael and his descendants always have a negative meaning in relation to Israel. In Psalm 120: 1-17, the descendants of Ishmael, namely Kedar, are mentioned as a people whose mouths cannot be trusted, their hearts are evil, and it is even said that they are a nation that likes war, does not like peace. Next thing to consider is that in the Bible, Ishmael is not heir to God's promise to Abraham but Isaac and his descendants. It is true that Ishmael was also blessed by God, but the blessing given to Ishmael was not a covenant blessing but a blessing of mercy, even if you look at history that Ishmael was blessed by God through the descendants of Isaac or the Israelites. So, what these “among their brethren” mean are the twelve tribes of Israel. From among these twelve tribes the LORD will appoint a prophet, that is what the LORD means. Jesus Christ as a Jew is the offspring of Judah, one of the twelve tribes of Israel. This is the figure that God promised through Moses to the Israelites. Come on, let's be sure.

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