The Bible, especially the Old Testament, was formed not from one book but from books. The Old Testament contains 39 books. Grouped into four categories that are determined based on the characteristics of the content. First, the five books of Moses (Genesis-Deuteronomy) or called the Pentateuch (which in Greek means "book that is folded in five"). Second, the history book as the name implies means that it contains books that have a strong historical value (Joshua-Esther). Third, the Book of Poetry or Writings (Job-Song of Solomon) which was written in the style of Jewish poetry. Fourth, is the book of the Prophets, both major prophets and minor prophets. [1]

        The History books in the Old Testament are evidence of God's inclusion and the works He did for His people the Israelites in showing God's faithfulness and justice for His people. The book of kings records the ups and downs of the kingdom of Israel, God used prophets in reminding His people and the consequences of their disobedience, namely the division of the kingdom into the kingdom of Israel (the kingdom of the North) and the kingdom of Judah (the kingdom of the South) and in the end the kingdom under the rule of another nation (exile).

        Ray C. Stedman said that the book of Joshua is one of the books that every Christian should master. Because it will help Christians to survive in the face of the full main effects of the wars of the world, the flesh, and the devil. Even this book teaches how to be a good leader.[2]

            Of the many histories that make up the OT, the history of the Land of Canaan is one of the most important ones that made up the Old Testament. And in the book of Joshua as a whole is written about the leadership of Joshua over the Israelites to conquer the land of Canaan. The question in this book is what is the basis for the Israelites to conquer the land of Canaan? How important was the land of Canaan to the Israelites? Had Joshua well led the conquest?


The following is an outline from the Book of Joshua which tells how Joshua's leadership of the Israelites was divided into three parts, namely:

1. Conquest of Canaan (chapters 1-12)

2. Division of the land of Canaan to the tribes of Israel (chapters 13-22)

3. Joshua's last instructions and words before his death (chapters 23-24)

     Chapters 1-12 have reported that Joshua succeeded in capturing all the land of Canaan and defeating all the kings. The time of Moses' death and Joshua's seizure of the land of Canaan can be dated to about 1200 BC.

        Actually God had given the land of Canaan to the Israelites, as God had told Moses, so the Israelites just stepped on the land.

        For Joshua as a leader, the conquest of the Land of Canaan was not a trivial matter or could be underestimated. However, Joshua still believed in the call. This belief cannot be separated from a strong foundation, namely God's promise by swearing to give the land to their ancestors (cf. Gen. 15:18; 24:7; Ex. 32:13). The promises and oaths that were spoken by God were a solid foundation for Joshua.[3]


        All Israel will be given the Holy Land and must fight for the holy land. In this case, it is important to have solidarity between the tribes of Israel and their leaders. For this to happen, they must not be divided, just as for the Church today. The Holy Land is the embodiment of the OT Kingdom of Heaven that must be fought for. However, it must also be remembered that the Kingdom of God is a gift alone. Thus Jesus, is likened to Joshua who led the nation of Israel.

        The geographical background in the book of Joshua is starting from the Israelites entering the land of Canaan. The population of the land of Canaan was increasing, especially in low-lying areas such as trading places and ports which were very strategic for profit.[4] While the eastern part of the land with a very hilly topography, is also ideal for settlements and the western part is ideal for military access. In terms of influence and military cultural attacks from outside, God took the initiative to put Israel in a position in the midst of the nations. so that the nation of Israel could be a light to the nations. It is important to recognize that the nature of the surrounding community exists in a federalistic and totalitarian arrangement built on slave labor and highly hierarchical. This religion is usually used to legitimize the ruling economy and politics.[5]

        Politically, many countries wanted to dominate the land of Canaan, because of its strategic trade routes and ports within the country. Egypt had a high power after the expulsion of the Hyksos[6] which brought the 18th Dynasty to the Egyptian throne. Around the 15th century the dynasty grew stronger in position and reached the peak of its power. But at the same time the Neo Hittite Empire was also taking shape, and over the next two centuries the Egyptians and Hittites competed.[7]

        Likewise with the people, where the people who already existed in the land of Canaan already had quite an impressive culture, where the cities were built so beautifully and had strong forts. In fact, there are many large and beautiful houses around the country.[8]

        Religiously, the land of Canaan has a religion that tends to highlight certain gods, the inhabitants of the land of Canaan believe in a very high god called El. However, contrary to what was believed, the people preferred to worship Baal. They believed that Baal with a number of goddesses (Asher, Astarte, Anat) was responsible for the fertility of crops, flocks and their families. According to their belief Baal died every time but every time he rose again, and this resulted in a change of seasons. Their system of worship has very gross sexual aspects. The Canaanites believed that this would result in the fertility of agricultural lands.[9]


        Actually, Joshua's call as a leader was not sudden, but was well prepared by the previous leader, namely Moses. Through the leadership of Joshua, God has proven to His people that God will never leave His people, even though their leader has died.

        Joshua is the right leader for the nation of Israel, this is evident from the entire book of Joshua. Joshua son of Nun was from Ephraim (Num. 13:8).

        Joshua was able to express his belief in God by observing all the laws that were commanded by Moses. Joshua must act according to all the instructions of the law and must not deviate (v. 7).

        Joshua had to go through the political conflict that was in it, to get through it all was not an easy thing, of course he needed God's inclusion in his life. So that up to a point, finally the Israelites began to settle in Canaan, the Egyptian kingdom had lost its power and glory.[10]

[1] Church Educational System, OLD TESTAMENT TEACHER RESOURCE MANUAL Buku Pedoman Sumber Guru Perjanjian Lama”, (Gereja Yesus Kristus dari orang-orang Suci Akhir Zaman, 1998) hal. 9

[2]Ray C. Stedmen, Petualangan Menjelajahi Perjanjian Lama (Jakarta: Duta Harapan Dunia), 151.

[3] D.C. Mulder, Kitab Yosua (Jakarta: Gunung Mulia, 2015) 15

[4]Ibid, 95.

[5]Arel Martinus Siahaya, Dampak Sosial Politik terhadap perkembangan Ekonomi Umat Allah Zaman Perjanjian Lama. Jurnal Teruna Bhakti, Vol. 2, No 1 Agustus 2019. 34

[6]Heikos adalah penguasa asing atau penggembala asal Asia yang pergi ke Mesir kawasan timur Delta Nil, pada dinasti keduabelas Mesir yang memprakarsai Periode Menengah Kedua Mesir Kuno. Wikipedia 16 Maret 2021, 14:15 WIB

[7]Andrew E. Hill & John H. Walton, Survei Perjanjian Lama (Malang: Gandum Mas,2013), 225.

[8] Nter-varsity Press, Ensiklopedia Alkitab Masa Kini Jilid 1, (Jakarta: Binakasih / OMF), hal. 502.

[9] David F. Hinson, Sejarah Israel pada Zaman Alkitab, (Jakarta: Gunung Mulia, 2004), hal.  93.

[10]David F. Hinson, Sejarah Israel pada Zaman Alkitab, (Jakarta: BPK Gunung Mulia, 2004), 93.


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